While Terry was picking up our fountain I did a little planting. I got the calla lilies from the old house and hope they do half as good in this spot as they did there.
Terry has the spot ready for the fountain. Our dear friends gave us a very generous gift certificate for our new house. We really appreciate them and will remember them every time we walk into the house.
We're so glad Brad has such a reliable (and strong) truck! The base alone was over 500 lbs.!
Thank goodness Brad has strong, young friends to help. Wayne and Jake are good sports to drop everything and come flex their muscles for us.
Levelling it perfectly so it drips just right.
Now, just picture some beautiful tropical plants, a bench and some grass - won 't it be gorgeous?
We were lucky to have the Stewarts come for the weekend. We went to Travis Eastons wedding, the tide pools, shopping, and watched lots of the Olympics. It was a great weekend!
The girls made the boys a really nice dinner. Thanks Jen for a great new recipe!
Sydney helped set the table. Terry gave me the beautiful tulips to remind me of our wonderful trip to Holland last year.
Sydney even made us special placecards with special messages
Uncle Brad is really good at entertaining (and winding up) the troops!
Terry and Jason enjoyed our gourmet dinner but hated all the dishes they had to do!
Our Valentines Day Potluck on Monday, February 15th!
Monday night we had a few friends over for a potluck dinner. Most people brought their wedding pictures and it was fun to see how we have changed over the years (well, with the exception of Becky, Melody, and Walt!).
Our 35 year old diningroom table had seen better days so we had been keeping our eyes open. I found this one at TJ Maxx and it was such a good deal that even Scrouge (Terry) agreed that we needed it!
It took me awhile to convince Terry that we needed another new chair for the living room but he finally saw the light. After much debate we got this one and some nesting tables. It is really comfy and makes for an easier conversation with guests.