Last year I planted one of my favorite plants, calla lilies, in this shady spot despite everyone telling me it was not a good idea. Sure enough, they grew well but did not flower much and were taking over. So I dug them out and we have now planted azaleas and gold dust. They are blooming beautifully right now. Lesson learned!

Hyacinths are one of my very favorite flowers and these are perfuming my whole courtyard right now. It brings to mind a favorite poem. Forgive the indulgence...
If of thy mortal good thou art bereft,
and from thy slender store
Two loaves alone to thee are left,
Sell one, and with the dole
Buy hyacinths to feed thy soul.

Libby is so cute and smiles all the time unless you point a camera at her. Caught a little one!

She is sitting at the dinner table in my little highchair and loves to drink from her very own cup!

She is not quite 6 months old and sitting up like a champ!