The Mitchell Clan came for Christmas! We went to the Ritz Carlton to check out their decorations and enjoy the beach view. The weather was wonderful.

A few of the Mitchells in front of the gingerbread sailing ship

Didn't someone tell Libby you couldn't touch (or eat) it?

We went out on the balcony for a great view of Salt Creek Beach. A few minutes later we were treated to some frolicking whales right off shore!

Mitchells (minus Brit) at the Ritz entrance

The finished project - lots of sugar cookies!

Trevor with one of his masterpieces

That's a lot of cookies to decorate!

One of the few of Terrys he didn't eat!

Just trying to get Libby to look at the camera and smile at the same time!

Ready for Christmas Eve

Since the Cardons couldn't join us we all crammed into one room and table. Cozy !

The other end of the table

Becky and Brad made a wonderful Christmas Day dinner for our small group again. The Mitchells went to Erics moms and then went home. We miss them already!