As is our tradition, Tanner and Sydney got to come down for a temple trip for their 12th birthday. We went to the Los Angeles Temple where we were married over 42 years ago. After attending the wedding of our cousin, Justin, the kid got to be baptized for some of their ancestors. Some of them were born in the 16th and 17th century!

Mr. and Mrs. Justin Cardon

We had our picture taken in front of this tree on our wedding day. Do you think we have changed a bit?

Amy and Jen got to come too because of ridiculous "unaccompanied minor" fees! It was great to have them too!

Playing a fun game of Pop the Pig! Libby is getting to know her colors very well.

Bowling with everyone Saturday night. Brit and Mike got to join us too.

We had a nice walk on the San Clemente Beach Trail and pier Sunday afternoon.

aren't they cute?

Pazookies for dessert - yum!

Syd wanted to play volleyball before they had to fly out Monday. Too bad we had a very old ball...we'll have to get a new one!

After dropping Syd and Jen off at LAX we went to Santa Monica for some more fun.

We paid our dollar and we did laugh!

We all liked the one-man-band on the Third Street Promenade but Libby was a bit shy to give him her dollar (braver than Tanner though cuz he refused!)