We got to spend a nice long Thanksgiving weekend at Tammys house in Rocklin. We ate too much and even went to San Francisco on Friday.

Libbys first Thanksgiving - she was the center of attention

The adult table! Tammy really went all out and we had the best Thanksgiving dinner ever!

Lane, Jannica, Mike, and Brit at the kids table

Who is cuter? Uncle Randy or Libby? Randy actually looked at the camera!

The other part of the kids table!

We played some fun Minute to Win It games - here are the winners

And here are the losers!!!!

The weather was perfect in San Francisco and made me want to go back soon for a nice long weekend. Hopefully, the weather will be good when we go back!

The gang in front of the Pier 39 Christmas tree

the Mitchell gang ready to ride the cable car

Libbys first cable car ride

We were at Ghiradelli Square for their tree lighting

On Saturday it rained and we went for a walk. It was a great weekend. Thanks Mitchells!