We found out our neice, Kelly, from Texas was in town and made her come visit!

It was fun spending an evening with her.

Becky, Libby, and I went to the fair on Wed. It was We Care Wednesday and we got it for 5 canned good. It was great.

Libby started of touching the small animals

The calf thought she tasted pretty good

The piglets weren't due for another 2 days!

Libby didn't think sitting on a pumpkin was a very good idea!

She actually tried to pluck the turkey a little too soon!

The goats were sure looking hard for the food we didn't buy!

We loved this llamas eyes. Libby loves the llama books!

Look at that cute face with the sun setting on it - too bad she doesn't give in to naps!

She loved the rides!
thanks for the evening. i had a great time catching up. it has been far too long.