Samuel MAX Openshaw was born on Sept. 14, 2009 at 6:00pm in Provo, Utah. He is our eighth grandchild and is sleeping in the cradle Pops made for all the grandkids.
The Openshaw family with baby Max on the day Zane (right) was ordained a Deacon at church. Even Zuka, the new dog, wanted to be in the picture.
Ellie is the big sister now and loves Max
Well, hope we haven't lost our minds. Yesterday we took possession of our new home and boy does it need work! It is in Laguna Niguel and needs everything!!! If only we had unlimited funds (and time).Wish us luck! New address (in about 6 weeks after hopefully all the major work is done) is 24311 Toponas Ct. LN 92677.
Guess they like the rustic look!
Don' you love the pink and blue windows in the living room?

view of some of the overgrown, termite infested yard. Note the window that is covered by drywall on the inside! I love gardening but this is a bit overwhelming.